Soon, experience tribal tourism in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve


Soon, experience tribal tourism in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve

If you are wondering when to visit Uttar Pradesh’s Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, now is the time. Dudhwa Tiger Reserve is no stranger when it comes to top wildlife experiences in India. The forest of Dudhwa, with its tigers, sloth bear, one-horned rhinoceros and over 400 bird species, is a wildlife hotspot. What if we told you that now there’s more to Dudhwa than its wildlife?

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Uttar Pradesh, in an effort to boost eco tourism in the state, is going to introduce tribal tourism in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. The tiger reserve comprises Dudhwa National Park, Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary and Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuaries, and this new initiative will take place near Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, in Bardiya village.

Soon, experience tribal tourism in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve

Bardiya village is home to the Tharu tribe, one of the five tribes that are there in Uttar Pradesh. The people from this tribe live inside the tiger reserve and their village has been selected for the aforementioned tribal tourism.

Through this initiative, visitors can learn so much about the life and culture of the Tharus. Also, the Tharu people will engage in ecotourism and will be able to put out their indigenous art and handicrafts to a wider audience.

Soon, experience tribal tourism in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve

Dudhwa Tiger Reserve will officially reopen for the season on November 15, meaning, the tribal tourism initiative will also kickstart then.

When we look at tribal tourism, we need to keep an open mind about a lot of things such as – there will not be world-class facilities and experiences, you will be experiencing a tribal village culture, and the roads may not be the most comfortable ones. But these are all a part of the experience and there are plenty of new things to learn from these types of tourism.

One example of tribal tourism in and around wildlife parks is the one they have in Kanha National Park’s Mukki Zone. The Baherakhar village in Balaghat district in Kanha, Madhya Pradesh is the best place to experience the culture and tradition of the Baiga and Gond tribes of Kanha.

  1. Where in Bardiya village?
    Bardiya village is located inside Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh.
  2. What is tribal tourism?
    Tribal tourism is when we visit a rural village to experience and get to know the tradition and culture of the indigenous people of the village. This is purely recreational.
  3. Where is Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary?
    Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary is a located in Uttar Pradesh. It is a part of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve.


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