“My husband works all the time and I feel very lonely”


Query: My husband is a workaholic and I feel very lonely in this marriage. I am a homemaker with a 3-year-old and all my day goes into handling my child. I wait all evening to meet my husband but as soon as he comes back from work, he changes and goes into his study. We don’t even have meals together anymore. I feel like talking to him, go out with him, but he seems least interested. Could this be the end of our marriage? Please help.
Response by Vishal Bhardwaj: Trust is the impassable safeguard to your marital bliss. You have to understand that if your husband is not getting enough time to spend with you, it must have some valid reasons behind it.
Instead of holding grudges against his actions, you should hold a peaceful conversation with him. We agree that as a family man, he inevitably has more significant responsibilities at home. However, in a competitive world, one’s professional life could be energy-sapping and full of commitments. The toxic work culture keeps men engaged in the hope of substantial earnings. As a wife, you have to understand his commitments and working life.
But you also have to communicate to your husband that it is important to manage some time for the family. Let him know that as a housewife, you are all alone in the home and desperately need someone to listen to you.
Vishal Bhardwaj, Founder and Relationship Coach at Predictions For Success


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