Benefits of Pista: Do you know Pistachios are not only rich in protein but are stress buster too


benefits of pista pistachios
Image Source : INSTAGRAM/EKIP_INTERNATIONAL Pista or pistachios are good source of protein

Benefits of Pista: Winter season calls for stacking up on nuts. From almonds to raisins and from cashews to walnuts, these common dry fruits are found in every household. But many forget to consume Pistachios. This sweet and salty nut is full of health benefits. Not only it is a good source of protein but also has fewer calories as compared to the other dry fruits mentioned above. And because they are rich in fiber they are also considered good for your gut. In all, you can binge-eat pista or pistachios without worrying much.

Check out some common benefits of pista/ pistachios:

Curbs hunger

It often happens that when you haven’t eaten for a long time or have a big gap between your you tend to eat more than your diet Or you turn to unhealthy snacks and packaged food items. Get rid of those chips and instead eat Pistachios. They are nutritious and can bridge hunger between meals, helping to avoid over-eating. They are also the balanced source of carbohydrates, protein, and fat required inhuman body.

Ideal protein supplement

It is a general belief that vegetarians have limited options when it comes to protein. In the case of vegans, the choices are even slimmer. But worry not as pista can be your go-to thing. Known for its high amount of protein, pistachios act as an ideal protein supplement for a large amount of vegetarians in India who are looking for a more non-meaty, non-dairy option to hop on.

Great partner for binge-fest

As compared to other nuts, you get more pistachios per serving. That just means you can eat about 49 pistachios, compared to 23 almonds or 18 cashews. That’s right – pistachios give you more than twice as many nuts per serving and we totally love it. As the usual norm, we usually look at integrating dry fruits and nuts with some or the other dessert, but these green bites of goodness need no partner. With its nutty flavour and a firm texture, the rich taste of pistachios cannot be compromised.

Good for gut health

Pistachios are believed to contain 3 grams of fiber per serving, making them a good source of fiber. It helps you feel fuller, aids digestion and prevents constipation.

Stress buster

Having to work from home surely made us hoard the snack racks in our house but to satiate the binger in you, pistachios are a treat for anyone looking to eat consciously. It is also proven that shelled pistachios gives you a feeling of being full, while the act of de-shelling pistachios helps busting some serious stress.

Disclaimer: The article is for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute as medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any treatment.

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