G20 Presidency Coming to India is No Small Thing: RSS Chief


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said the presidency of G20 coming to India is not an ordinary thing, and the world “needs India now.” He was speaking at the concluding function of the ‘Sangh Shiksha Varg’ or third-year officers’ training camp at the RSS headquarters here.

“The world needs India now….India figures in global discussion and Indians have also become confident that they can lead the world,” Bhagwat said.

“The chairmanship of G20 coming to India is not an ordinary thing. But it is just a beginning and we have a long way to go and the entire society has to work towards making India `Vishva Guru (world’s guide),” he added.

There were many efforts to seek happiness for humanity in the last 2,000 years but none of them succeeded, and now the world will have to turn to India, the RSS chief added.

Only India can show the way to universal happiness as we have always believed in the principle that the whole world is one family, Bhagwat said.

Hinduism does not denote a single way of worship, he said.

A Hindu is every person who is traditionally a resident of India and is accountable (`uttardayi’) for it, he said.

“We can live with diversity, all diversities can walk (live) together, because diversities are the multiple expressions of the same unity. The one who understands this, is Hindu,” he said.

Bhagwat also cautioned that even today there are “cruel forces and their agents” who are working to ensure that India breaks up and does not progress.

A country does not prosper and progress only because of talent and technology, he said.

The most important thing needed for a country’s progress is that the society should want the country to become great, Bhagwat said.

Talking about the RSS’s beginnings, he said the Sangh’s founder K B Hedgewar was involved in the freedom struggle since his childhood, but later he realised that the struggle for freedom can be waged in many ways.

He thought that the society must be improved and brought together if India is to remain free forever, Bhagwat added.

“For eight-ten years, he experimented….on what basis society can come together. What is the formula for bringing society together…it is our culture, our devotion to our motherland, our traditions. This is Hindutva,” Bhagwat said.

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