After meeting schoolboy who dreams to be software engineer, Rahul recalls his father’s fascination with technology


Updated: Nov 11 2022 9:27PM

After meeting schoolboy who dreams to be software engineer, Rahul recalls his father's fascination with technology

Nanded (Maha), Nov 11 (PTI) Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said his father, former prime minister late Rajiv Gandhi was always curious about modern technology and how it could be harnessed for the country’s benefit.

Gandhi, whose Bharat Jodo Yatra is currently passing through Maharashtra, wrote on Facebook about his father after meeting a schoolboy who said he wants to be a software engineer but has never seen a computer.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday gifted a laptop to Sarvesh Hatne, the schoolboy from Nanded, in Gandhi’s presence. Hatne had met Gandhi a day before.

In the Facebook post, Gandhi recalled his father’s famous quote, “I am young, and I too have a dream.”

“Let me tell you all a bit more about him, his dreams and the wonderful interaction I had with these four youngsters, yesterday,” Rahul wrote.

“Papa was always curious about modern technology and how it could be used to India’s advantage. Computers were Papa’s absolute favourite! And, he would always passionately discuss new plans on channelising youth power to usher India into the 21st century,” the Congress leader said.

Thursday’s encounter brought those memories back, Gandhi said.

“In young Sarvesh Hatne and Chandrakant Kirkal’s eyes I saw the same curiosity and amusement as I showed them how an iPad works. During our chat, they shared with me their dream of becoming software engineers. And of course, the iPad I showed them became their absolute favourite too,” he wrote.

He also wrote about a conversation with two girls he met on the way, Pratiksha Manjelvar and Sandhya Valpe.

“Both these girls are training to dedicate themselves to the service of the country, either through police or CRPF. A glimpse of the passion in their eyes would have made Papa proud,” Rahul Gandhi added.

These youngsters deserve access to facilities and opportunities that are rightfully theirs, the Congress leader said, adding that he was determined to ensure that their dreams are fulfilled.

“A laptop to Sarvesh is just the beginning. We have a billion more dreams to realise,” Gandhi said. PTI MR



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