Cure Asthma and make each breath and each step count


Asthma is a disease where the airways in the lungs get inflamed and narrow, making it hard to breathe. Allergic Asthma is set off by usually harmless substances, but in people with allergies, their immune system attacks them as an invading threat.


Common allergens that trigger Asthma:

1)    Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds – notably, ragweed, ryegrass, oak, maple, elm, mulberry and – a southern favourite – pecan

2)    Animal dander (tiny flakes of skin shed off by pets)

3)    Mold Spores

4)    Cockroaches and dust mites (more accurately, the faces and body parts they leave behind)

Asthma Indications

Whether caused by allergies, exercise, stress, colds and flu, or other irritants, asthma signs are about the same:

1)    Coughing (with a cough that’s usually dry and persistent)

2)    Wheezing (a whistling sound when you breath)

3)    Feeling short of breath

4)    Rapid breathing

5)    Tightness in the chest

It’s important to recognize and treat the above signs to prevent a more severe asthma attack.

Signs of a Severe Asthma Attack

1)    Not being able to catch your breath, even when you’re sitting still

2)    No relief or improvement after using a rescue inhaler

3)    Problems walking, talking or any other typical activity

4)    Loss of colour, or blue colouring, in your face, lips or nails

5)    Breathlessness

6)    Excessive sweating

7)    Exhaustion

8)    Confusion

9)    Anxiety

10)   Increased heart rate

11)    Swelling of your face, eyes, tongue, as well as your hands or feet

12)    The skin between your ribs sucks in

How to cure ?

If you think you have Asthma, it’s essential to see a physician for testing and diagnosis.

Your primary care physician can help manage mild and occasional asthma attacks with either Quick Relief or Long-Term Control medication.

But, if your symptoms are more frequent, moderate or severe, a primary care physician can help connect you with the right specialist, such as an allergist or pulmonologist. Your primary care physician and specialist should work together with you to keep episodes to a minimum. If you need care or prescriptions renewed and can’t get to your Primary care physicians, urgent care centres and Minute Clinics can provide help with Asthma and help get allergies under control.

If you have severe symptoms or are concerned, your life is in danger in any way, immediately call and go to the nearest emergency room.

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