Out of home snacking is now the ‘in trend’


Indians consumed more juices, colas, chocolates and salty snacksout of home’ (OOH) than ‘in-home’ last year, according to the latest report by Kantar Worldpanel.

In fact, 41% of all biscuits sold are out of home, with 90% of India’s population consuming cookies at least once in the entire year, while salty snacks were bought 1.2 billion times, more than any other category.


“With the pandemic ebbing since the second quarter of last year and the economy opening up, we saw a gradual increase in purchases made for out-of home consumption,” said K Ramakrishnan,

South Asia managing director of Kantar, that tracked out-of-home consumption for the first time. “ We seem to be bigger snackers out of home compared to in-home as we observed that the snacking categories had a bigger portion of their volumes coming in out of home versus in-home.”


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