Boost Your Summer Health with These 8 Amazing Foods!

Summer is here, the wonderful time of year when fresh vegetables are in abundance. There are so many fresh, delectable and healthful options, which I adore. Even better, many of the fruits and vegetables of the summer are bursting with undiscovered health advantages. Here are some of my favourites along with the reasons why summertime is the perfect time to choose them.

1 watermelon :Your memory and mood remain keen when you drink enough water. In the sweltering summer, it also aids in keeping your body cool by causing sweating. The good news is that drinking water isn’t your only option. Additionally, to provide skin-protecting lycopene, watermelon is 92 percent water, hence the name. You can eat it too. Another benefit? According to research, consuming meals high in water content keeps you full on fewer calories. (Interestingly, drinking water concurrently with food has a different impact.)

2. Corn : Fresh sweet corn is the epitome of summer. Did you know that two antioxidants found in maize, lutein and zeaxanthin, may function as natural sunglasses buy assisting in the formation of macular pigment, which blocks part of the sun’s harmful rays? It is real. While the majority of the damage happens decades earlier, age-related macular degeneration is the primary cause of blindness in adults over 60. The same antioxidants may help lessen your risk of developing it.

3. Tomatoes : Without a doubt, using sunscreen to protect yourself from the summer sun should be your first line of defence. However, taking more lycopene, the pigment that gives tomatoes their red colour may help to protect your skin from sunburn. One study found that eating 2 1/2 tablespoons of tomato paste (or drinking around 1 2/3 cups of carrot juice daily) in addition to their regular diet for 10 to 12 weeks reduced skin reddening by about 50% in subjects exposed to UV exposure. The same study found that people who got lycopene supplements or synthetic lycopene were not significantly protected against sunburn.

4. Blueberries : A unique treat is blueberries directly from the fruit patch! According to recent research from New Zealand, it turns out that the antioxidants in them may prevent muscular tiredness by scavenging the extra free radicals that muscles make while exercising.

5. Cherries : Enjoy both the sweet and tangy flavours this summer. Drinking sour cherry juice can improve your sleep quality and ease the ache you experience after working out. But did you know that sour cherry chemicals may also aid in weight loss and leanness? Tart cherry anthocyanin stimulate a chemical that aids in accelerating fat burning and reducing fat accumulation. Sweet cherries are also a great source of potassium, which naturally lowers blood pressure. Additionally, sweet cherries are a good source of beta carotene, vitamin C, anthocyanin, and quercetin, all of which may collaborate to fight cancer.

6. Iced Coffee : The best way to start your summer mornings is with an iced pick-me-up. Even better: just one cup of coffee every day may reduce your risk of skin cancer. One cup of caffeinated coffee per day was found to reduce the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer by roughly 10% in a study of more than 93,000 women, which was published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention. And the lower their risk was, the more they drank, up to around 6 cups each day. Decaf didn’t seem to provide the same level of safety.

7. Raspberries : Raspberries are a fantastic source of fibre, including some soluble fibre called pectin which lowers cholesterol. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition reveals that eating more fibre may help prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss. One cup of raspberries contains 8 grammes of fibre. Throughout a two-year trial, researchers discovered that individuals lost roughly 4 1/2 pounds when their fibre intake was increased by 8 grammes for every 1,000 calories. Put it to the test. Aim to improve your fibre intake by 16 grammes per day if you consume 2,000 calories.

8. Iced Tea : On a hot day, a tall glass of iced tea is certainly enjoyable, but did you know it may also be beneficial to your health? According to studies, drinking tea frequently can help you maintain stronger bones, have healthier teeth, gums, and reduce your risk of developing diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. How? Flavonoids are a group of antioxidants that are abundant in tea. Whether it’s black, green, oolong, white, or herbal, drinking freshly brewed tea will maximise the flavonoids’ potency. “Add a little lemon juice,” advises Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD, head of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Centre on Ageing at Tufts University in Boston, if you wish to store a pot of cold tea in your refrigerator. That squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange contains citric acid and vitamin C, which aid in the preservation of the flavonoids.

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